| AAFMAA Mortgage Services, LLC | Sara | Hopson | shopson@aafmaa.com | (252) 671-5971 | Shopson@AMSHomeLoans.com | | | | |
| Advanced Termite & Pest Contro | Christopher | Matthews | chris@enchomeinspector.com | (252) 244-6870 | enchomeinspector.com | | | | |
| Allstate-Black Insurance Services, LLC | Shawn | Black Herring | blackinsurance@allstate.com | (252) 671-1605 | agents.allstate.com/shawn-black-herring-new-bern-nc | | | | |
| Alpha Mortgage Corporation | Ryan | Jones | ryan.jones@alphamortgage.com | (252) 375-1688 | alphamortgage.com/loan-officer/ryan-jones | | | | |
| American Security Mortgage | Michelle | Gregory | mgregory@1asmc.com | (252) 422-6369 | americansecuritymortgage.com | | | | |
| Amerispec Inspection Services | Stuart | Vick | svick@amerispec.net | (910) 352-4333 | amerispec.com | | | | |
| Amerispec Inspection Services | Elizabeth | Smith | esmith@amerispec.net | (910) 233-8823 | https://www.amerispec.comamerispec.com | | | | |
| Amerispec Inspection Services | Nick | Johns | njohns@amerispec.net | (910) 599-4516 | https://www.amerispec.comamerispec.com | | | | |
| Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group | Aleta | Ortiz | aletagoodson@atlanticbay.com | (760) 473-9510 | www.atlanticbay.com/aletaortiz | | | | |
| Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group | Lillian | Horne | lillyhorne@atlanticbay.com | (252) 571-9806 | lillyhorne.com | | | | |
| Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group | Nikki | Rogers | nikkirogers@atlanticbay.com | 252) 559-9373 | atlanticbay.com/nikkirogers | | | | |
| Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group | Michelle | Sanders | michellesanders@atlanticbay.com | (252) 622-5197 | atlanticbay.com/michellesanders | | | | |
| Badger Real Estate Seminars | Doug | Sinclar | badgerseminars@gmail.com | (252) 617-5580 | badgerseminars.com | | | | |
| Benfield Outdoor Services & Solutions, LLC (BOSS) | Michael | Benfield | info@yardsbyboss.com | (704) 360-0376 | yardsbyboss.com | | | | |
| Budget Blinds | Johanna | Brinkley | jbrinkley@budgetblinds.com | (252)649-5336 | | | | | |
| Cabins to Castles Home Inspection, LLC | Brian | Tedder | briantedder@alumni.ecu.edu | (252) 725-7116 | cabinstocastleshomeinspection.com | | | | |
| CareMaster Fire & Water Restoration | Pamela | Hill | phill@caremasterclean.com
| (252) 969-6468 | caremasterclean.com | | | | |
| Carolina Foundation Repairs | Sean | Corcoran | sean@carolinafoundationrepairs.com | (252) 637-0537 | carolinafoundationrepairs.com | | | | |
| Century-21 Zaytoun Raines | Patricia | Rammacher | newbern@c21zr.com | (252) 626-1561 | | | | | |
| Chad Sittig Agency - State Farm | Chad | Sittig | chad@chadsittig.com | (252) 633-9539 | statefarm.com/agent/us/nc/new-bern/chad-sittig | | | | |
| Cornerstone Home Lending, INC. | Teresa | Arthur | tarthur@houseloan.com | (252) 617-0300 | houseloan.com/teresaarthur | | | | |
| Craven Co Tax Assessor | Leslie | Young | Leslie.young@cravencountync.gov | (252) 636-6604 | cravencountync.gov/tax | | | | |
| Craven Community College | Sandy | McKenzie | mckenzies@cravencc.edu | (252) 675-8473 | cravencc.edu/search?keys=Real+Estate | | | | |
| DNGExpress Trucking | Daniel | Jones | hiprandy7@gmail.com | (347) 432-4689 | hiprandy7@gmail.com | | | | |
| E & J Automotive Inc | Joe | Cramer | joe@eandjautomotive.com | (252) 638-8226 | | | | | |
| East Coast Properties | Kathy | Askew | neuseproperties1@aol.com | (919) 280-8121 | | | | | |
| Edwards Pro Clean | Jack | Edwards | edwardsproclean@gmail.com | (252) 637-4431 | facebook.com/EdwardsProClean | | | | |
| ENC Drones | Bryan | Barber | enc-drones@outlook.com | (252) 772-5012 | https://ENC-Drones.com | | | | |
| Farm Bureau Insurance-North Carolina | Greg | Bernhardt | greg.bernhardt@ncfbins.com | (252) 259-6499 | ncfbins.com/greg.bernhardt | | | | |
| Farm Bureau Insurance-North Carolina | Benjamin | Britt | benbrittgoes@gmail.com | (252) 229-8039 | ncfbins.com | | | | |
| Farm Bureau Insurance-North Carolina | Greg | Cromer | greg.cromer@ncfbins.com | (252) 637-6125 | ncfbins.com/greg.cromer | | | | |
| Farm Bureau Insurance-North Carolina | Omar | Gonzalez | omar.gonzalez@ncfbins.com | (252) 622-5927 | ncfbins.com/omar.gonzalez | | | | |
| FBC Mortgage LLC | Doug | May | dmauer@fbchomeloans.com | (954) 263-3322 | | | | | |
| First Citizens Bank | Marie | Phillips | mariebphillips@gmail.com | (252) 617-7501 | bankers.firstcitizens.com/mortgage/nc/new-bern/marie-phillips | | | | |
| First Flight Federal Credit Union | Teren | Collins | Teren.Collins@efirstflight.com | (252)-617-0905 | https://qrcodes.pro/6ucemC | | | | |
| Flatlands Jessup Insurance Group | Marc | Jessup | marc@flatlandsjessup.com | (252) 638-9000 | flatlandsjessup.com | | | | |
| Goosehead Insurance | Heather | Sargent | heather.sargent@goosehead.com | (919) 439-0228 | goosehead.com/heather-sargent | | | | |
| Guaranteed Rate | Linda | Dail | Linda.Dail@rate.com | (252) 671-9102 | rate.com/LindaDail | | | | |
| Guaranteed Rate | Lloyd | Daw | Lloyd.Daw@rate.com | (252) 229-4754 | rate.com/LloydDaw | | | | |
| Guaranteed Rate | Nelda | Coats | nelda.coats@rate.com | (252) 639-1616 | rate.com/NeldaCoats | | | | |
| Home Inspection Professionals-HIP | Cecilia | Chittick | Schedule@hipservices.com | (252) 635-1149 | homeinspection-professionals.com | | | | |
| Insightful Inspections | Kevin | Taveirne | kevin.inspectionservices@gmail.com | (252) 259-1315 | insightful-inspections.square.site | | | | |
| Jessica's Coastal Cleaning Services, LLC | Jessica | McAllister | jdmcallister68722@icloud.com | (252) 497-0757 | | | | | |
| John W. King, Attorney | John | King | jking@newbernlaw.com | (252) 638-1103 | newbernlaw.com | | | | |
| Lendmire | Amy | Cossin | amycossin@gmail.com | (252) 422-2320 | lendmire.com/amycossin | | | | |
| Movement Mortgage, LLC | Danielle | Wiram | danielle.wiram@movement.com | (910) 581-6398 | loanswithdanielle.com | | | | |
| MRT PHOTOGRAPHY | Ben | Myers | ben@benmyers.realtor | (252)495-3677 | | | | | |
| Navy Federal Credit Union | Jennifer | Howery | jennifer_howery@navyfederal.org | (252) 665-4568 | https://myhomeloan.navyfederal.org/signup?referrerId=jennifer_howery%40navyfederal.org | | | | |
| Navy Federal Credit Union | Tina | Cabingas | tina_cabingas@navyfederal.org
| (252) 773-6017 | https://sdu.navyfederal.org/vdu | | | | |
| Pamlico County Tax Office | Lauren | Murray | lauren.murray@pamlicocounty.org | (252) 745-3791 | pamlicocounty.org | | | | |
| Patriot Home Inspection Services LLC | James | Young | patriotinspections@outlook.com | (252) 474-6317 | patriothomeinspections.info | | | | |
| Poes Point Closings | Brittany | Poe | brittany@poespointclosings.com | (757) 724-1236 | poespointclosings.com | | | | |
| Professional Locksmith Plus, LLC | Julie | Burlingame | julie@prolockplus.com | (910) 939-2760 | prolockplus.comjulie@prolockplus.com | | | | |
| Rising Sun Handyman Service | Chuck | Hindelang | risingsn8686@gmail.com | (252) 241-5017 | | | | | |
| Robinson and Stith Insurance | Russell | Clark | rclark@robinsonstith.com | (252) 633-1174 | robinsonstith.com | | | | |
| Robinson and Stith Insurance | Jim | Robinson | jim@robinsonstith.com | (252) 633-1174 | robinsonstith.com | | | | |
| Roy Faron School of Real Estate | Joseph "Roy" | Faron | roy@royfaron.com | (252) 571-0690 | royfaron.com | | | | |
| Saltwater Insurance Services | Margaret | Wynne | maggie@saltwaterins.com | (252) 675-2586 | saltwaterins.com | | | | |
| Small Batch Specialty Gifts | Shannon | Luquire | shannon@smallbatchgallery.com | (252) 617-0211 | shopatsmallbatch.com | | | | |
| Steven K. Bell Attorney At Law | Steven | Bell | closings@stevenkbell.com | (252) 633-1236 | stevenkbell.com | | | | |
| Sumrell Sugg Attorneys at Law | Aaron | Arnette | aarnette@nclawyers.com | (252) 723-7948 | nclawyers.com/aaron-d-arnette | | | | |
| Sumrell Sugg Attorneys at Law | Ross | Hardeman | rhardeman@nclawyers.com | (252) 229-9061 | nclawyers.com/ross-t-hardeman | | | | |
| SWBC Mortgage Corporation | Lynn | Anderson | lynn.anderson@swbc.com | (252) 514-5515 | swbcmortgage.com/lynn-anderson | | | | |
| The Insurance Center | John | Finlayson | jfinlayson@ticnc.com | (252) 675-9391 | https://www.ticnc.com/ | | | | |
| The Insurance Center | Stella | Marshall | smarshall@ticnc.com | (252) 342-5340 | https://www.ticnc.com/ | | | | |
| The Insurance Center | Nan | McAden | nmcaden@ticnc.com | (252) 876-3224 | https://www.ticnc.com/ | | | | |
| The Viridian | Renee | Melby | rmelby@bestlife4senors.com | (252) 571-2229 | https://lifeattheviridian.com | | | | |
| Twin Rivers Home Inspections | James | Rogers | jcrogers83@gmail.com | (252) 933-3460 | twin-rivers-home-inspections.business.site | | | | |
| UnionHome Mortgage | Wendy | McCoy | wmccoy@unionhomemortgage.com | (910) 405-3501 | uhm.com/wmccoy | | | | |
| UnionHome Mortgage | Lori Ann | Prill | lprill@uhm.com | (570) 350-5050 | uhm.com/lprill | | | | |
| United Bank | Kim | Lawrence | kimberly.lawrence@bankwithunited.com | (252) 670-2306 | Kimberly.lawrence@bankwithunited.com | | | | |