Join Now

New Agents can apply and pay all online through the application process.

Current or Previous Agents must call our office (252) 636-5364 or email the NRRAR staff for an application and payment.

One-Time Application Fees:
(as long as the member/firm remains an active member in good standing)

REALTOR® Application $350.00
+ Pro-rated Dues

Affiliate Application $150.00
+ Pro-rated Dues

New Firm MLS Application $1,000.00
+ Quarterly MLS Billing

The annual dues are pro-rated monthly, depending on your application date.

Licensee MLS-Only:
Call (252) 636-5364 or email our office for application and payment.

MLS Only Participant Application Fee: $350
One-time fee as long as you remain active and in good standing with NRRMLS.

  • If the Firm BIC is a REALTOR® member, then there will be annual dues of $366.00 per Licensee-Only Subscriber billed to the BIC through the National Association of REALTORS®.
  • Both the Firm and BIC, where your North Carolina Real Estate license is hanging, are required to be NRRMLS Subscribers.
  • MLS Fees are billed quarterly to the Firm.

MLS Participant Only: $95.00/mo billed quarterly to the Firm.

Quarterly Licensee-Only Fee: $250.00 (not prorated)

Quarterly TOTAL: $95.00/mo + $250.00 = $535.00

New FIRM MLS Application Fee: $1,000.00 One-time fee as long as the Firm remains active and in good standing.

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